Web Talk

September 25, 2024
By Opal

Web Design That Converts

A desktop, laptop, tablet, and cell phone are displayed with the same web design, demonstrating responsive web design.

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When it comes to web design, it’s often not about your preferences. What we mean by this is that, while the opinions and skills of web designers are nothing to scoff at, it really comes down to what the visitors think. A designer can have all the best skills in the world and create what they think is a beautiful site, but if it doesn’t convert with visitors, then it isn’t really a successful product.

This is a vital delineation for designers to consider, as conversion is king in the world of web design. So, here are some of the most important factors in creating a web design that converts.

Personalized Web Design: Appeal to Your Target Audience

The best place to start with creating a converting design is to know who will be visiting the site. This means understanding the target audience or customer base of your business or the client’s business.

Moreover, this can also mean researching competitor designs, best practices for the industry, similar products or designs, and more. In other words, understanding what visitors want when they come to the site and creating personalized web design around that.

Appealing Design and User Experience

Of course, the first major component is an appealing design and experience for the user. The site needs to make a good impression as soon as a visitor lands on the home page. But, what is an appealing design? Well, there are a couple of factors involved, including the following.

Engaging Aesthetics and Layout

Firstly, the site needs to look good, plain and simple. It should be eye-catching and engage the user. Moreover, the layout needs to be visually appealing without overstimulating the eyes. This can mean including attractive colors and visuals, but also white space to act as breaks in between scrolling.

Responsive and Speedy

Modern internet users want their information and content without waiting. This means all pages and tools should be snappy and responsive so visitors can see what they want quickly. 

Easy to Navigate

One of the most vital parts of good web design is that the site is easy to navigate. Visitors should be able to intuitively navigate around the site to find any information they need easily. Otherwise, it can quickly become frustrating and lead them to turn away from the site. 

Easy to Understand Value

Any visitor to the site should be able to quickly and concisely understand what value and offerings the website is communicating. This means having a design and layout that clearly display these points in an easy-to-see place. Moreover, it means well-written copy for the site that isn’t convoluted or difficult to read. 

Write Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTA)

Another key to creating a web design that converts includes clear calls to action. In other words, encourage and ask the visitors to convert. Give them a reason to pursue the value they are being offered. The call to action should include easy-to-see contact data or some method to continue forward. 

Let Graphem Solutions Create the Perfect Site for Your Business

Are you looking for a web design company to help create a well-converting website? Luckily, Graphem Solutions is here to help with just that. Every web designer on our team is an expert in the field and ready to bring your vision to life. We can take your site from just a concept and research to a masterpiece that converts.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us online today or give us a call at 1-800-590-0175. We look forward to helping you create the perfect site for your business!

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