Web Talk

September 23, 2024
By Opal

Unlocking the Secrets of User Experience in Web Design

A laptop, tablet, and phone are displaying the same web design, demonstrating responsive tips and designs.

Table of Contents


According to Statista, there are nearly 2 billion websites across the internet. Even if we remove all of the irrelevant websites, this can still leave a sea of competition in similar fields or industries. So, in that sea of websites, how does one make their website stand out among so many others? While several factors can play a role in standing out, one of the most important in the modern age is user experience-based design or UX for short.

What is UX design and how does it play such a huge role in better web design? Continue reading where we will cover the answers to these questions below.

Think Like a Web Design Company

Firstly, what is UX design? Pretty simply, it means designing products or services that offer a relevant and connective experience with the actual people using or interacting with them. This can include everything from the actual product or service to branding, usability, and more. 

One of the first steps to creating a UX-based website design is to get into the mindset of a web design company. They must work with numerous clients to create personalized sites designed around the target audience. This means they need to consider the user base’s interests, buttons, dislikes, and more. In other words, for UX design, you need to get into the user’s mind to understand what they want and what their experience will be like on the site. 

Elements of UX for a Web Designer

Now that we’ve covered the basics of UX design and how to think with it, let’s look at some specific ways a web designer can improve UX. There are a few different factors that go into UX design, including the following.


Accessibility means ensuring the website can be used or visited by as many people as possible, which also includes those with various disabilities. While there are legal obligations to accessibility, it is also about morally wanting to remove limitations from the audience. Some good methods for improving accessibility include: 

  • Using ideal color contrasts for those with visual difficulties
  • Allow keyboard or mouse navigation
  • Offer assistive technologies like audio readers or text magnifiers
  • Follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)


UX design should feature a large focus on delivering stunning visuals and imagery without overwhelming the viewer. This helps to engage the user and build an emotional connection with them. Some good tips for UX aesthetics include: 

  • Consistent coloring or branding
  • Well-chosen fonts that are easy to read
  • Effective use of white space for visual breaks
  • High-quality imagery over stock or low-resolution


Usability means how easy it is for users or visitors to accomplish what they want on a site. If they are searching for information, can they easily find it or answer any questions they have? If they want to buy a product or service, is that easy to do? Improve usability on a site by: 

  • Keeping designs simple and free of clutter
  • Make navigating the site intuitive and easy to follow
  • Write concise but clear copy without too much fluff
  • Conduct usability tests to determine problematic areas of the site

The above points are far from the only UX design elements, but they are some of the most important. It comes down to determining what users want and need from your site and how to move more toward those points. 

Choose Graphem Solutions for Personalized Web Design

Personalized web design can be a difficult task without the right experience and skills. That’s where Graphem Solutions comes in. Our team is full of experienced designers, all of whom are ready to help you craft the perfect personalized web design — from the landing page all the way to backend plugins for enhanced functionality.

To learn more about our services, you can contact us online or call 1-800-590-0175. We look forward to helping you create a website that truly represents your business!

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