Web Talk

February 26, 2022
By Guillaume Bourdages

How to Secure Your WordPress Site in Less Than 2 Minutes

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WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used content management systems available today. Because of this, it’s important to take steps to ensure your WordPress website remains secure.

Keeping WordPress secured

Keeping WordPress secured can also help to maintain the integrity of your data. Data breaches can be devastating for businesses, as they can result in the loss of confidential information, leading to financial losses and damage to a company’s reputation. Cybercriminals often target WordPress websites due to their popularity, making it even more important to ensure your website is secure. Without proper protection, cybercriminals can gain access to sensitive data and exploit vulnerabilities in the system.

2 minutes tip to secure WordPress Today!

In this quick tutorial, we will show you a very easy way to protect your WordPress site from any intrusion and secure it in less than 2 minutes. Guillaume will walk you through the steps to take and the plug-in to use to secure your site.

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